Exercise Medicine & Chronic Disease
Dr. Stephan Praet

Having a chronic disease or undergoing cancer treatment can not only be disabilitating, but also have a major impact on your general fitness level and well-being.

A recent meta-analysis of different studies on cancer rehabilitation shows that well structured exercise interventions, especially when supervised, have statistically significant and small clinical benefit on self-reported quality of life and physical function in patients with cancer. If you want to learn more about this please watch this Catalyst program on Exercise and Cancer.

However, also other patients with chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease, heart failure, COPD and type 2 diabetes may benefit from structured exercise intervention. Multiple high-quality studies, such as the LookAHEAD study in the USA, have shown that comprehensive lifestyle interventions that include exercise and dietary changes have modest but significant long-term benefits on physical function and glycemic control in overweight and obese middle-aged and older adults with type 2 diabetes.

Key to the success of these programs is that both intensity and volume of the prescribed exercise is tailored to the individual fitness levels.

In collaboration with AXM Exercise Physiology,  clinical exercise testing services can be arranged to guide and prescribe an effective and safe dose of exercise that will assist in maintaining or regaining your physical fitness and quality of life through a more active lifestyle.
